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Text Books - Legal Studies
Legal Studies   Dr. Arpita Kapoor
Legal Studies
1st Ed. 2022



India is the largest democracy, a government by the people, of the people and for the people. Here, the sovereignty rests with the people. This book is therefore an attempt to give an insight into the legal arena to the young ignited minds. Tracing the journey of law and its branches, this work will introduce the students to law, how it functions and their rights and duties. According to a famous legal maxim, Ignorantia juris non excusat (ignorance of law is no excuse), meaning thereby that every citizen of a country is expected to know the law of the land, this work therefore is an attempt to introduce the readers to the law in its simple form. The book contains the matters strictly in accordance to the CBSE and ISC syllabus which will prove beneficial to the readers, studying law and its various branches for the first time.

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